Thursday, November 28, 2013

The letters LGBTQQIA remind us that we're all unique and special!

The letters LGBTQQIA remind us that we're all unique and special!

Even though gray is my favorite color, I am not a fan of bland! Au contraire! I love the texture of life brought on by the amazing variety of people populating the planet you and I get to enjoy for a while.

It's also intriguing to see the amazing variety of hate populating the planet -- regrettable, potent, powerful, loud expressions of hate. Of all the human abilities, the ability to despise unique or different kinds of people isn't on my list of favorites! It's exhausting at times aching over what I read on Twitter, etc. or see on the news. But I get to choose my path -- the haters help me choose to be a lover! :-)

I'm privileged to hang out with a wide variety of people day by day: tall, short; fat, skinny; white, black; gay, straight; rich, poor; young, old; strong, weak; smily, frowny; kind, mean...the list could go on and on! No two people even vaguely alike...not even my twin nephews! :-) I'm helped and moved by being with people who are different from me -- they stretch my mind and heart, they test my theory about being able to love everyone, they make life interesting! (People who only spend time with their social doppelgängers must yawn a lot...)

At breakfast the other day I told a friend that I plan on dying when I'm 83 years old. (My funeral will be May 9, 2043, if you're not busy that day!) That means I have 34 years to go with you! I want to spend the rest of my life -- however many days, weeks, months, years I might actually get -- living and laughing and loving and enjoying! I don't want to spend more time than absolutely necessary hating or sneering or being grumpy or looking down on anyone! I want my head and heart to be stretched beyond my wildest imagination. I want to love more and learn more day by day. I want to continue growing in my ability to appreciate and respect the people -- all people, all kinds of people!

I'm growing. I'm not where I oughta be or even wanna be -- but God and I know far I've come! :-) I'm trying to learn the deeper art of empathy. I'm trying to dig deep into the pain of people to find the person hidden underneath! I don't want to give up on hard folks. I want to love and not just tolerate. I want to help bring hope and healing to the world by loving everyone I meet. Strangely, I really think it matters; I really think that choice makes a difference! Excited by the prospect...

Anyway. I'm droning! So there you have it...

I love you! Steve xoxo

p.s. Thanks for being YOU! :-)

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Thanks for taking the time and trouble to be in touch -- heart to heart!