Saturday, December 14, 2013

Don't talk about me -- talk to me!

I've been forced to return over and over again to blogs and Tweets written about me (generically). The hurt has been immense, even heartbreaking and sleep-depriving. They drive me to dare to ask a favor of you -- if you don't like me or if you hate me for my labels:

Don't talk about me -- talk to me! And with me. Like having a conversation. And getting to know each other. And liking each other, or struggling to like each other. Or learning to be friends, or learning to respect and appreciate one another. Without hate. Or venom. Or vitriol. Or anger. There's just no need. We don't really even have to be fiends if that's asking too much -- but what a wonderful gift if we could be friends, though different!

It's OK to be you! And I hope you'll let me be me. Especially knowing that I'm trying my best to be my best. Trying really, really hard to be worth knowing. Knowing that I want to be kind and caring and friendly and accepting. Knowing that I don't have all the answers and am confused by the speed the world is turning these days and am trying desperately to understand things that I didn't get to learn growing up when and where I grew up.

I'm just a guy -- a guy trying desperately to be worthy of trust. I want you to know that your feelings matter to me, as well as your dreams and hopes and aspirations for your life! I want you to know lots of love and joy and smiles and laughter. I don't want you to be lonely or isolated or separated from the things and people you love!

You don't have to be like me; in fact, that would be awful! Life's best texture is found in our differences and uniquenesses. Be you! And I'll celebrate that with you! You're a treasure, a gift, a wonderful blessing to the world! I'm glad you're alive. I celebrate the day you were born. And I celebrate the person you are and the person you want to be and are becoming.

I'm growing and evolving. I don't recognize the me I am today compared with even 5 or 10 or 20 years ago. Definitely more loving and kind and considerate and caring. But still wanting to grow to be even more loving and kind and considerate and caring.

And when you and I grow to like and love each other, I hope you'll be as protective of me, and thoughtful of my deep, sincere feelings, as I am of you and yours.

If you're gay, please be a good gay person. If you're straight, please be a good straight person. If you're a Christian or person of whatever faith, be a worthy example of all that represents at its very best. If you're not a person of faith, be a person of goodness and kindness and all things admirable.

We really don't have to yell and sneer and jeer and be angry and hateful to each other. I know I'm not going to be. I like loving kindness and respect so much better! So, please...let's talk...xo :-)


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Thanks for taking the time and trouble to be in touch -- heart to heart!