I am amazed at the ignorance that I read and hear from the most surprising sources -- especially Christian friends who really oughta know better. Every day Twitter and Facebook are full to overflowing with exceptional examples. Actually, not just ignorance -- but arrogance, mannerlessness, and basic, home-grown stupidity -- not forgetting plenty of hate. BUT -- and I think this will surprise you! -- I'm relieved, even glad, when I hear or read these wretched things because there is nothing more toxic or more dangerous than hidden or whispered hate. When "it" comes out into the open, then we can do something about it.
But where can someone go to safely say ignorant things, think about them, regret them, change, grow, and move on? Or are we destined to keep people stuck in their ignorance?
I'm sure grateful that I have people in my life who help me. I have friends I can talk to. I have my local LGBT community center where people listen and help me understand. I have opportunities to interact with a huge variety of people -- helpfully, not hurtfully. I'm sincerely grateful for the people in my life who hold me to account for what I believe, as well as how I act on what I believe. The people who love me best also expect the most from me -- they believe in my highest and best self and expect me to live it out in every way! I want to...I really do! But not everyone has what I have, and I'm sorry about that.
Too often neither side of a topic of fury is the least bit interested in chit-chatting about their differences. Certainly not interested in quietly and respectfully listening to the offending party! They're not interested in unity and understanding. They're interested in being right, being heard, being smug. Completely unappealing; completely unhelpful, too. I want to be something different, something better; I want to accomplish something helpful.
I am so grateful for those miracle moments when quiet voices of reason break through -- when, somehow, the gentle, wise voices -- often quiet whispers -- become the focal point for right and good. When the hateful folks described in the first paragraph are left raw, knowing that the harmfulness of their ways has been laid bare for all to see and decry. Oh, if only we'd allow the haters to safely face themselves in the mirror! We have to believe that change is possible -- I do! Though it's hard sometimes...
Right will win. Right is winning. But does it have to happen so slowly? We are not -- as a country, or more broadly as the global family of humanity -- evolving far enough or fast enough for my liking! But we know that change that will last sometimes has to come slowly to be realized fully. Patience really isn't theoretical -- it's potently needed in the hard conversations. We can't let up. We can't give up. We can't slow up. We can't shut up. (But we can lower the tone and volume!) But if we want the world to be what it can and should be -- for everyone -- we have to be patient with people who don't know better -- yet -- for whatever reason. And we have to allow for space to be open, honest, ignorant -- if change is really our goal.
So, what am I gonna do about all this ranting of mine? What are you going to do in the midst of incendiary arguments? Let's go for it -- patience, kindness, grace -- these will win! Let's win together...Steve :-) xo
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