But my daily life is full to overflowing with dis-couragers. Robbers of courage. Robbers of strength. Robbers of joy.
Which are you? Encourager or Discourager?
I fret over and fear the Christian discouragers more than any others these days. The obvious lesson that "A Christians who hates isn't a Christian at all" doesn't seem to be believed across the board!
I think the ultimate slap-on-the-face for Christians who dabble in hate is Titus 1:16-17 -- "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good." 'Cause if you're one of them, you oughta prove it in the way you live! Unlike a clerk typist who can't type, or a violin player who doesn't play violin, or an Olympic skater who can't skate. Love is what a Christian is and does best!
If there's one thing Christians oughta be amazing at, it's loving. Everyone!
I'm happy that a lot of my gay friends understand the Christian requirement (not least of all because so many of my gay friends are themselves Christians!) and don't panic about Christian hate. They know who's living right and who isn't. But some of my LGBT friends really do feel the pain of Christians -- and more darkly "the church" -- being purposefully against them. They know there's hate, anger, disgust -- because it's directed right at them!
Love your enemy...
Love your neighbor...
Love one another...
Love sincerely...
The central gospel, the heart of the bible? I'm surprised at those who overlook or ignore the broad, whole-bible themes yet take up hateful causes based on bits-and-piecesof the bible. Weird, huh?
I honestly don't care how deeply ignorant I am of theological nuances and micromatters as long as I get the first things right that Jesus says I ought to get right: love God, and love YOU! :-) (Just wish some people weren't quite so hard to love...lol.)
Anyhoo, thanks for giving me the courage to press on in my quest to be the ultimate lover of people...everyone...everywhere...including you. Be an encourager -- that's a worthy use of a life!
Love Steve xo
I think the ultimate slap-on-the-face for Christians who dabble in hate is Titus 1:16-17 -- "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good." 'Cause if you're one of them, you oughta prove it in the way you live! Unlike a clerk typist who can't type, or a violin player who doesn't play violin, or an Olympic skater who can't skate. Love is what a Christian is and does best!
If there's one thing Christians oughta be amazing at, it's loving. Everyone!
I'm happy that a lot of my gay friends understand the Christian requirement (not least of all because so many of my gay friends are themselves Christians!) and don't panic about Christian hate. They know who's living right and who isn't. But some of my LGBT friends really do feel the pain of Christians -- and more darkly "the church" -- being purposefully against them. They know there's hate, anger, disgust -- because it's directed right at them!
Love your enemy...
Love your neighbor...
Love one another...
Love sincerely...
The central gospel, the heart of the bible? I'm surprised at those who overlook or ignore the broad, whole-bible themes yet take up hateful causes based on bits-and-piecesof the bible. Weird, huh?
I honestly don't care how deeply ignorant I am of theological nuances and micromatters as long as I get the first things right that Jesus says I ought to get right: love God, and love YOU! :-) (Just wish some people weren't quite so hard to love...lol.)
Anyhoo, thanks for giving me the courage to press on in my quest to be the ultimate lover of people...everyone...everywhere...including you. Be an encourager -- that's a worthy use of a life!
Love Steve xo