Saturday, January 11, 2014

LGBT: Fragile! Please handle with care...

Most folks have put the Christmas baubles away for the season, but would you mind picturing one of those old-fashioned, round, and very fragile glass balls? That's the perfect picture of how we should treat the people in our lives: very gingerly placed into our hands to tend, love, and care for. And yet, some folks smash people to pieces as though of little more value than a simple, glass bauble! Heartbreaking in terms of basic humanity.

I ache when I know I've hurt someone's feelings. And I'll do whatever I can to make things right -- not least of all apologizing with all due sincerity! That's a huge change in my life from when I was a young man and enjoyed being belligerent, provocative, and combative. (Forgive me, I'm being too kind to me -- the truth is, I was a mean and hate-filled young man!) I'm paying for those harsh years by living now with a tender heart and ready tears for the pain of others. I like the change, though it's costly.

I don't think I've ever seen such hurt and harm as in the great LGBT debate. And, if you know me at all, you'll know my take on the "debate" and where my voice will be used! I'm very protective of the LGBT community and resent the pain endured through the hate and anger of those who speak and write what should never be spoken or written!

Where have all these dark conversations come from? And who decided that it's OK to be so overtly mean? Choices of words, tones of voices, themes and inferences so dastardly that I wish I could somehow block them from the viewing and hearing of every gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender person anywhere and everywhere!

The phrase I'm hearing more and more from those interested in the health and wellbeing of the gay world is, "Who even talks like that?!" I like the question because -- though rhetorical -- it's easily answered! People who spout such hatred and vitriol are ignorant, limited individuals who need to do some learning about the basic attributes of human decency!

To think that any good can come of spouting and spewing is pure folly.

The greatest concern I have globally is that the church would reclaim its voice for good -- for help, not harm. I pray the church becomes exemplary in living out grace and mercy. I plead with those called to love, to love -- and not selectively! I wish the use of voice and silence would be equally valued and both rightly used. I dare those who claim to be something good, holy, and pure would live it out through gentleness, kindness, and goodness.

None of that is too much to ask. In fact, it's pretty foundational.

Let's choose to do anything and everything we can to stop the hurt. Let's choose gentle, kind, and helpful words over the other options. Let's choose the high road even if others choose the low road. Let's choose quiet replies even when louder ones feel more appropriate. Let's not respond quickly and thoughtlessly when a little time to calm the conversation will bring about a much more productive result. Let's value each other as the unique and marvelous individuals we are!

Maybe that's too much to ask? Nah! We can do it...starting...NOW! :-)

Cheering you on as you cheer me on. Let's work together to bring loving kindness back into vogue. Love, Steve xo

...a gentle word can get through to the hard-headed. (Proverbs 25:15)

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